Delivery and Payment

GLS - Euro Parcel for 4 €
The shipment is delivered by the courier company GLS to given address.
GLS usually delivers shipments within 2-4 business days.
The carrier will send you an e-mail containing the tracking number, expected delivery date and delivery adjustment options (change of the day of delivery, delivery addresses, and more).
More information
To order over 200 € + VAT we offer free shipping.
Normal expeditions are within 24 business hours.
Estimated delivery dates are shown in the e-shop and in the shopping cart.
To the email about the order expedition we also add the tracking number with link to the current status of the package (including the telephone numbers of selected carrier's infoline).
We are currently sending to the Czech Republic ( and Slovakia ( From an international e-shop ( to whole European Union. We ship to other countries only after prior arrangement.

Online card over the internet FREE
Payment via Gopay (online). The money is immediately credited to our account.

To an invoice with a due dateFREE
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